With the steady rise in interest rates, many buyers are concerned if they should even bother purchasing a new home. I have recently had potential buyers asking if they can buy a house as rates climb. The short answer? Yes, you can still buy a house with rising interest rates. ...
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Moving is stressful – there is no other way to put it. The sudden flurry of logistics to manage can get overwhelming quickly. Once you go through buying (and potentially selling) a new home, you must immediately jump into the moving process. Contacting a moving company, packing your belongings, downsizing ...
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Thinking about moving your family to Adams County? Or looking for something to do with younger kids? Regardless, numerous activities and organizations are available to you and your children in this area. Pick your own fruits and vegetables. There are many benefits to picking your own fruits and vegetables. ...
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Real estate can get complicated quickly if you don’t understand the terminology. Whether you are selling or purchasing a home, it’s hard to keep up with the vocabulary if you don’t work in the industry. We shared some common terms people should know in our last Understanding Real ...
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